Friday, February 10, 2012

Workbench - Oracle (adult content)

New project :D
I was asked to work on this very cool Oracle kit. 

This is an adult kit, so I will try to keep some of the pictures very tiny.  So please, if you have any problems with adult content, DON'T ENLARGE THE PHOTOS!!

Its an original kit but it have lots of casting problems.
Starting from some big seam lines, orange skin, big flash pieces on the tip of the fingers and finishing with lots and lots of pin holes.



 It will take me a lot of clean up before I get to paint it.  Wish me luck :D


Livi said...

oh my god....
i got this kit, too. but my cast is incredible clean.
good luck on this, will watch^^

Annya's Workshop said...

Hey Livi
Thanks for stopping by :D
You got really lucky with your kit, mine took me forever to clean. Can't wait to see your take on this "lady" :D