Sunday, May 20, 2007

Cat girl kit - finished

This little cutie was a distraction for me from my other kit that I am working on. I was working with Asuka from Evangelion for last month and everything was going very well, until recently. For my birthday I received David Fisher DVD's on how to work with model kits (mostly it is for monster kits, but its really easy to adjust for anime models) and I was trying out some technics on Asuka kit. I was almost done with painting whole thing, when I found out that I lost one part. I was very mad at myself. So, I had to resculpt the part, which wasn't easy. Next after painting the hair, I combined it with the body. The color of the hair is all wrong and doesn't go well with her outfit. Of course being me, I had to totally strip the paint from all the hair pieces and repaint is. Another thing was the sealer. I tried using Testores Flat sealer and first can worked very good. Those cans are very small, so I run out of it very fast. Had to buy some more, but I didn't use the same store. I don't know if it is the store but the new can was leaving shiny finish. So now my Asuka half shiny and half flat. Sad.

I had to take a brake from that kit, so this was a distraction for me.

I got this kit from and the quality was very nice. I had some minore fit adjustments and very little of sanding. It was a joy to paint. Very simple kit, not too many parts that need to be masked and very nice pose.

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