Friday, November 18, 2011


I was super busy this last couple of weeks.  I finished some kits that I've been working for a while, but the BIGGEST project that I finished is my actual workroom. 

I had a chance to modify my work space and I jumped at it with open arms.

Here is the pictures of BEFORE
 My workroom is located in the basement of our house and its an unfinished basement.  Which means it doesn't have insulation or flooring or ceiling.  Just concrete walls and floor and lots and lots of spiders :D

Now this pictures are IN-PROGRESS



I got a new walls, new ceiling, new floor and a totally new exhaust fan :D

The final pictures


My nice, remodeled  (and still clean and uncluttered :D ) workroom.

Sorry guys for posting so many pictures.  I hope you don't have any problems uploading this.


Anonymous said...

Wow! what a nice change!

Ведьма said...

Do you have a room to work! I envy. So many garage kits! How many figures you gather for yourself?
But the cork board and rack from Ikea just like me)
thank you so much for so many photos.!

Eryk said...

Superb new workroom :D Congrats Annya !!!
Haha, I can see some of my garage kits :P

Kamira said...

Wow Realy nice!! And Also A lot of figurs^_^
Great Change!!
Good Luck in your New Room^_^

Lorenna said...

I like you room work, you work is inspiration for me. I it does few comence with the model kit.
Sorry por my ingles is very bad *^_^*

Kisekae said...

Glad to see this, Annya. A new workshop can make a big difference. But, a word of advice. Beware evil cats that lurk in odd places. They've been known to cause trouble with resin figures!

Annya's Workshop said...

Thank you guys :D
I do have way too many kits and not enougth time to finish them.

Kisekae, your warning is too late. My evil cats were born to cause trouble :D