Friday, March 25, 2011


I've been very sick this whole week, so not as much updates as I would love to do.  Oh well, at least I am getting better now and don't need to sleep whole day long :D

I finished some stuff on Miku.  Now I only need to finish her base and she is set to go to her new home.
I had lots of fun painting her eyes, now I am just waiting for her owner to OK it.

Not much update on Carina girl (girl from La campania).  I don't remember the last time I had to do so much clean up on a kit   >_<   Couple more turned with sanding paper and primer and she is ready to for paint.
On the good note is that I found some pretty flowers to go on her base.

I got just as little done on Eurika girl.  Mostly just clean up on the dress and sanding off her stocking lines.  Not much to show   >_<

Next week I will be on vacation (from work), so I will spend most of my time working on this project.  Stay tuned :D

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