Saturday, April 10, 2010

Chii in shirt - completed

OK, this kit just magically got completed :D
No, I am serious. This girl been looking at me from a box on the shelf for a while now and some how she just ended up on my worktable. I was working on her between all of my other pieces and without notice, she got completed :P

I didn't take too many progress pictures (since I wasn't really working on her :D), but I did find some photos.
Of course the biggest challenge was her hair. It came in five pieces (including the small pony tails). Ones the hair was fixed up, it was a breeze :D

This is it for the progress pics :D, now the complete kit.


Woo said...

I love magic!

Annya's Workshop said...

I love magic too :D
Specially when it happands to me.