Thursday, February 28, 2008

I am back!

I am finally back home from my trip. I had to go to Chicago with my sister for her interview. She applied for working as a teacher in Japan. So I really really hope she gets this job , because it will save me so much money in shipping the items from Japan and Yahoo!Japan. Plus I will definetly go visit her.
Here is some pictures of the "Windy City" (and it really was very windy). The weather was very cold and it snow/rained 75% of the time, but it was still fun.

Don't you just love the fog effect on the top of the buildings? It was right before the rain. Looks cool and it felt even cooler (or should I say colder). At least we got some very good food.

The good thing is that I still have few days free before I have to go back to work. So tomorrow I will get to work on my kits.

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