I had to use some Bondo's glazing putty to even out the surface.
After all this work fixing this lady up, I keep wondering about the quality of E's gathering Elphi?
If you have to make a hundred of the same kit, I am not sure they would keep the same quality. Oh well, I just know that I would not want to build too many of them ('-^*)
As I promised, no more "fixing up". Its painting time.
For the dress I am using Tapioca color. Its not pure white, more of the nice egg shell white.
Oh yeah, some people were asking me about the ratio for mixing my acrylic paint. Its about 1 x 2 (one part of paint to two parts of water).
Since I already had to mix big quantity of paint, it was easy to snap a shot
Thanks for the great job in the dress, and sorry for too much work x_x, is great that the painting has started, the dress looks great, euphy is going to be perfect, thanks Annya :)
Can't wait to see the whole dress, looks great so far! :D
Yay, colors! \(^o^)/
Hey Kike, don't be sorry :D Even with all this work, I am enjoying this project. I feel a great accomplishment when I look at the "before" pictures :D
yay, I am happy to do colors too :D
Finally some paint for Euphe! I cannot wait to see her done!
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