Sorry everyone for now updating my blog for a while.
I got a little bit sick about two weeks ago, so I didn't had any drive to do anything. And right after I got better, I pulled a muscule on my right wrist (guess which is my dominant hand?). I couldn't hold anything for a long period of time. It sucks. I didn't reliaze I moved my wrist so much.
Oh well, I am all better now, so I am back to work :D
Since I am working on three different kits right now, I have a big collection of swords and other metal objects that needed to be painted. I decided to try this one new paint (new for me :D). Its laquer based paint that needs to be buffed after its applied. The picture bellow is the scepter for Pluto, the top piece is buffed and the bottom is not. I think I like it :D

I've been working on Mikage too. I had to rework her belt, since I forgot to make a space for the sword case >.<
Totally my fault for not paying more attention.

Painted the hair too :D
Mikage is almost done, I can almost see the finish line. I just wish it was a little bit warmer in my basement :D That would totally help to speed up the progress.