I am almost done with two of my commisson pieces and since they require only some finishing touches (and time to dry for it :D) I decided to start some other projects.
I think I got finaly bitten by Yoko bug >.<
Got this beautiful, big kit on sale from E. She is totally gorgeous and very easy to put together (which was a reason I just had to work on her). I had some people asking me about my technique with pastel shading, go I am going to do a WIP on her skin tone. I actually already painted her skin and just need to put all the pictures together.

This is one of my favorite kits :D
I made Takeo before and I think she was one of the turning points in my improving painting skills.
Now I get to do her again for a friend.
Lets see if I can make her even better.

And the last (for this week :D ) is Kallen from Code Geass.
She is very cute kit, but have lots and lots of problems. The part fit is pretty good, but the amount of pin holes is astonishing (specially considering that she is an original).
I have three kits done and just waiting for photo shoot :D
So, update is comming very soon.