Saturday, June 26, 2010

Workshop - Roberta

Its been very busy week for me >.<
I've been working some evening shifts (again), and because of that I didn't have too much time to work on my kits. Plus I run out of primer ( O.o ), which is no wonder considering how much I had to re sand and prime all the Elphi's skirt pieces. Now I just have to find some time to go and pick up some more after work. On the good note, Michael's finally restock its supplies of Dull Coat (plus I had a coupon for 20% off on whole purchase), so I am set for a while now :D

While I didn't have too much time to finish much, I did finished up Roberta's stockings.
Since she already have lots of solid whites on her (apron and underskirt), I decided to give her a slightly transparent stockings (and gloves). I think it turned out pretty well.

I will take some more pictures on my day off :D
On the side note, I did clean up lots of ruffles on Elphi. It just I don't think it would be that much fun to post almost the same pictures over and over :D Hopefully she will be ready for painting soon.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Workshop - Roberta

I couldn't help myself :D
Roberta have such an amazing part break that I don't need to mask any part of her dress. So of course the second all the prep work was done on the dress, I had to paint it (plus I really needed to take a break from all the sanding and priming)

My client requested a black uniform for Roberta (in some reference picture I found she is portrait in blue, black and even sometime brown). Since I am making her stockings silky, the dress had to be something else. The more textures I have on the kit, the more real it looks to me :D

I have this laquer based Flat black paint that I just love (I used it for Caster's cape). It was a perfect choice for Roberta (if I say so myself :P )

The black was easy, few layers of paint plus Flat fixative and its done (I don't shade black). Her underskirt and apron was a different issue.
First I just had to clean up all the uneven parts under the apron. I know that most peple will not see it, but I can kind of see it. There was no "maybe" about clean it up :D

For white I used Icy White (it have a slight blue tint to it). I find that its much easier to shade white with blue if you already have a small tint in it.
Does this makes sence to you? because its kind of hard to explain >.<

Base white color.

Airbrushed blue shadows.

Pastel shadows are added.

The finished up underskirt.
All this ruffles were a really good practice for me for when I start paining Elphi kit :D

And of course, coudn't help myself, had to see how it all looks together :D

Friday, June 18, 2010

Workbench - Euphemia

I've been working on Elphi for last couple of days. Mostly its just fixing up the ruffles on her dress >.<
I think I am starting to see it in my sleep.

This is the example of what I had to deal with :

The funny part is that this kit was fixed up by the workshop before it was recasted (thanks Ila again :D ), so the "original" kit was in even worse condition.
After trying to clean up the ruffles with sand paper for about two hours, I finaly found out a great solution. First I use my dremel to clean up the worse of the stuff and after that use a sanding pads to get rid off the bigger scratches, prime it, and only after that I use sand paper.

Also while I am using dremel, I am adjusting the sculpt in some places.
The first pic is the untouched skirt and the one after is the one I resculpted with my dremel (its the same spot of the skirt :D )

I love my dremel, it saved me so much frustration and sandpaper :D
Too bad it overheats very quickly. After doing half of the skirt, it became so hot that I couldn't hold it :D Oh well, everybody needs a break
I had some of the same problems with the hair (I didn't even started to clean up the single strands of the hair yet >.< )

So far, I don't really even think about the painting stage. Its clean, prime, clean, prime, clean, .... well you got it :D

Workshop - Roberta

I had some fun with Roberta's base :D
First is primer, next is base coat for wood, shaded with brown ink and followed up with black paint for the main base.

This was way too much fun :D

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Workbench - Euphemia

I had some time to fix some of the fitting problems on Euphi.
For most parts, the cast is very nice and clean, but I still have few problem areas.

The chest/head piece actually fits in perfectly, but the first skirt needs some putty.

Still need to clean up all the putty mess, but at least its all harden and ready for sanding.
Another fixer upper is her hair. I had two small strands of the hair that needed to be attached first. I have to say that I pocked my fingers with the end of the hair numerous times O_0 Its kind of painful.

One hand was fitted perfectly, but the other one needed some work too.

Most of the putty is just been applied, so it looks a little ruff. I will need to clean this up and then its primer time :D

Workbench - Roberta

Got another character from Black Lagoon. This time its Roberta.
This is a very big kit. Her skirt is a lot bigger then my hand (of course my hands are not that big , but still >.< )

Its going to be so much "fun" cleaning up all this ruffles 0_0
But on the other hand, look at all this cool design for her stockings and underwear.
I can't wait to wait to paint this beauty.

There is one problem with this kit. I received two halves of umbrella, but they are both of the same side. So now I will have to wait for replacement :(
I didn't even noticed that they were the same, until I actually tried to assemble the umbrella.
Lets just hope that I will receive replacement soon.

Friday, June 11, 2010

New Layout

I hope you notice guys, but I changed my layout :D

The blogger gave me some very cool new options that I just had to try out.
I haven't change my blog from the first time I created this. It is time for the change.

So what do you think??

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Workbench - Euphemia

One of my new projects on my table.
This is Euphemia from Code Geass. I think this is the most beautiful sculpts of her. She is 1/5 scale and she is HUGE. I had to hunt down for a base for her, because I didn't have any big enough.

A first test fit.

I am going to have some "fun" with this hair :D

This is a very interesting project, so lets hope it will not take me too long to start painting her.

Summer Contest of 2010

Its this time of the year... Contest time
The E2046 finally posted all the entries for this years Summer contest.
Check it out

Good luck to all participants

P.S. I will post my work-in-progress and final kit pictures after the Contest end.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Workbench - Sailor Pluto's base

I've been working on/off on few of my own kits between the commissions. Sailor Pluto is one of those side projects :D
Not that long ago I got myself some of the balsa foam and finally found something to try it on.
Pluto is kind of simple kit, so I figured that she need some nice base.
Here is the results on my experiment.

Now I just need to finish up my Pluto :D