OK, OK, this is my last update for today :D Just don't be crying to me if I don't update it again for a while :P
The kit is BOME version of Ignis. One word to describe this girl - HUGE!!!
This is 1/3 scale kit, but she is much taller then the other same scale kits I had before.
For such a big kit she didn't have too many big seam lines. I scraped most of them with X-to knife first (I wasn't going to send them off, it would had taken me hours) and only after that sending it off with big foam sander (brick shaped foam pad wrapped in sand paper).
Next was pinning.
Since this girl is so HUGE (did I mention that she was very big?), I wasn't going to skim on pins. She probably will set off metal detector at the airport :D
If anybody wonders, I made the ridges around one part for glue to settle in. This gives it more grip.
I am dreading to think about painting this lady. The parts are supper heavy, since she is so HUGE