Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Workbench - Natsuki & Shizuru from Mai Hime

Another base update, only this time is for Mai Hime girls.

I was asked to replace the wooden base with black base with pavement on it.
This is my first pavement :D I am very proud of this.
Looks cool, doesn't it?

Monday, November 16, 2009

Workbench - Mikage

Not much "visible" progress on Mikage. I spend a lot of time fixing up her hair and adjusting some stuff. But there is one thing that I can share with you :D
I had to modify the base a little. I was asked to make it look like Mikage is on the island surrounded by water.
I think it turned out very cool :D

Workbench - Natsuki & Shizuru from Mai Hime

Finished up Natsuki's suit. Its going to be a little glossy (its not sprayed yet on the picture), but otherwise its all done :D

And also finished up the bag that is on the ground, by girls feet.
I was provided with a reference from anime, so its almost an exact copy of the one in cartoon.
Its very very cute in person :D

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Workbench - Sailor Pluto

Another project that I had on my table for a while. I keep forgetting to write a blog about it :D

This is a 1/8 scale of Sailor Pluto.
It was a pretty good quality casting, only a few minor set backs.

I had a very specific idea on how I want Pluto's hair to look. It turned out just the way I imagin it :D (this is my most favorite part of this kit)

I've been working on her for a while now, so she is almost done :D
I just need to paint her bows and her staff.

(I think she looks creepy in the last pic >.<>

Workbench - Natsuki & Shizuru from Mai Hime

After some hard work of removing all the seam lines, Mai Hime girls are ready for paint :D
But before I could do it, I had to do a little better research of the colors. One of the request for this commission was to make sure that the colors match exactly to the reference.

My pallet for trying out the colors :D

The skirt for Shizuru was the hardest one to match. I had to mix at least 4-5 different brown shades for this. I hope I don't have to do it again :D

For Natsuki I had to remove her eyebrows and follow a given reference for her expression. I still need to clear up few lines in her eyes and add a blush.

One girl is almost done :D

My colors and the reference colors :D

Workbench - Mikage

Progress on Mikage.
I finished up a base for the kit. I had a clear base to work with and I didn't want to cover the whole thing with grass, so I came up with this idea.
I think it looks really cool :D

Oh, and here is the bra :D (I still need to put red stone in her color)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Workbench - Natsuki & Shizuru from Mai Hime

Another project that I picked up not too long ago. This is Natsuki & Shizuru from Mai Hime. I am not familiar with the anime, but was provided lots of reference material for better results :D
Now I just need to match all the colors.

The girls are very adorable and cute, but the resin is anything but cute :(
For an original kit, this kit gives me way too much problems. For some reason all the seam lines on the girls cut a deep line inside the resin. Usually the seam lines created by the shift in the mold, so it sticks out. It much easier to clean up then this :(
Oh well, nothing that a little putty will not fix.